
The speed bag is an indispensable tool whether you are looking to be the next heavyweight boxing champion or you’re just looking for a fun way to tone your arms. A speed bag is a creative way to quicken reflexes,...
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The speed bag is an indispensable tool whether you are looking to be the next heavyweight boxing champion or you’re just looking for a fun way to tone your arms. A speed bag is a creative way to quicken reflexes,...
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We love watching people do great work on the speed bag. Here are 10 of the best speed bag videos we could find.  1. Justin Buffamante on his EZspeedbag    2. Mystery man performs craziest speed bag routine ever   ...
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Despite your best intentions, making it to the gym every day doesn’t always happen. It can be hard to fit exercise in between work, children, and your social life. But, your fitness doesn’t have to suffer. It’s easier than you...
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Also known as the floor-to-ceiling bag or the “crazy bag”, the double-end bag is a round, air-filled bag that is held up by elastic cables on the top and bottom. When hit it swings back and forth and side to side....
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